Category: Productivity
How to Balance Work and Home Projects
Work is an essential part of life. Through employment, one can earn the funds needed for the many essentials. Everyone has a project or more to take care of the…
7 Tips for Home Reorganizing
At first, the thought of reorganizing your home can sound like a dreadful task. It requires weeks or sometimes even months of planning, researching, and then finally — executing. But…
Outsmarting Elon: The Dangers of Emulating Elon Musk's Productivity Advice
There’s a lot we can learn from Elon Musk, but productivity advice isn’t one of them. Here’s why.
How to Attract Top Talent and Accelerate Hiring While Remaining Efficient With Your Time
2023 is kicking off with talent at a premium — which should come as a surprise to no one. The growing issues of talent gaps and upskilling have been in…
The Importance of Setting Calendar Reminders
Are you guilty of forgetting significant things? Is there an email you haven’t responded to, a family member’s birthday you forgot, or a meeting you were expected to attend? It…
How to Maximize Your Time with a Digital Calendar
In the 21st century, most people probably have their phones on them more than their paper calendars. It has even been given a psychological name, nomophobia—the fear of not having…
Organize a Family Reunion With These Planning Ideas
Everyone loves a good family reunion, but no one really enjoys planning one. Not all on their own, anyway. There is a lot of work that goes into organizing a…
Style Tips for Zoom Meetings You Attend Virtually
Now that we’ve jumped into the age of continual Zoom meetings and virtual hangouts, there’s a whole new universe of fashion and beauty problems to consider. Your go-to look is…
5 Ways to Stay Active During the Winter Months
Fewer sunny days, colder temperatures and long winter nights do not have to be a recipe for depression. If you have short winters, you could get away with slight modifications…
7 Upcoming Winter Events to Add to Your Calendar
If winter makes you think of dark, cold days stuck inside with nothing to do — think again! Despite the weather, or perhaps because of it, people organize tons of…